This is how it starts, the need for thrill- the stories we
get to share at the end of it all, the experiences. It feels like a win-win
Well actually, it does far more damage than good.
Promiscuity affects the victim externally to the victim, but internally to the
promiscuous one. Let me explain, did you know a study was done some time ago
and it showed that the one who is left in a relationship moves on faster than
the partner who has quit on the relationship.
That being said, the one who has left gets to see the damage
done from the breakup. But then the one who does the breaking up (propelled by
promiscuity) might not see the effects there and then.
I remember hearing someone saying that promiscuity is wrong
for it kills the feelings. I barely understood that comment back then- at that
time all I wanted to do was to have no feeling, no attachment whatsoever. (Yes
I was a victim of movies!) But now I finally get what that statement means now.
And today I have decided to put it in some reasons why promiscuity is bad.
You might wonder. Why is trust so important? Well trust is
the basis of us as human beings. You trust that the food you are going to eat
is not poisoned, that the elevator you go into won’t just fall down, that the
person that is driving you won’t crash, that the person who built that
foundation did a good enough job that you won’t just fall in now?
Moreover when you cheat, your paranoia starts to grow you
start thinking that your significant other is up to the same games and things
you are up to. You start failing to have healthy relations thereby impacting on
your interpersonal skills. Sure they might be up to something and you are
justifiable for the paranoia- but such a constant negative charge drains our
life battery!
Experience breeds growth and not all experience is good,
it’s a two sided coin. Life is pregnant with experiences, the experience of
birth, experience of social and career and the experience of the end of life
among many others. Well, one might cheat to avoid hurt and have some sort of
‘insurance’ but that avoidance and fear of that pain is all in a way, stunting
your own growth.
Every relationship has greatness if enough work is given to it. How will your relationship win when you are setting it up for loss? Is it not much better to have lost but knowing you did your best than just sit down and wonder what if?
It’s sort of like in class, the more you participate in class and actively engage in school activities, the better you are at school- how will you be good if you start attending multiple classes and in different forms and expect same level of excellence. I am not condoning pain and saying it is necessary- I am condoning the eradication of fear. Fear is more of ignorance than emotion. Just think how we feared the oceans, space – before the exploration.
Every relationship has greatness if enough work is given to it. How will your relationship win when you are setting it up for loss? Is it not much better to have lost but knowing you did your best than just sit down and wonder what if?
It’s sort of like in class, the more you participate in class and actively engage in school activities, the better you are at school- how will you be good if you start attending multiple classes and in different forms and expect same level of excellence. I am not condoning pain and saying it is necessary- I am condoning the eradication of fear. Fear is more of ignorance than emotion. Just think how we feared the oceans, space – before the exploration.
I’ll say it once more, I’m not saying that you must suffer
as many heartbreaks as they build you up. NO. I’m only saying that the pain you
are evading and avoiding but creating more wrong and spreading this promiscuity
disease – is not worth the stunted growth you will have as an individual.
They do say that comparison is the thief of joy. And they are absolutely right. We tend to forget that we are all different individuals- we all have our own special set of strengths and weaknesses.
When you venture into the promiscuity field, you tend to neglect the fact on exactly how different we are. Can you believe that we all have different fingerprints, all the people in the earth? That’s how different we are.
This influx of uniqueness in your life will harbor indecision and more often than necessary, you will always wonder, what if?
Of course there are so many reasons why cheating is bad. You can follow this link. These are my random three reasons for people not to cheat. The most generic.
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