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Showing posts from July, 2015


BACKGROUND  Hospitals and clinics in Africa often find it difficult to employ enough trained medical staff to cope with the number of people needing care. Countries train their own medical professionals, or pay for them to learn elsewhere.  Yet, once trained, many professionals decide to work abroad, either to escape instability or to practice where they have better working conditions and a higher salary.  This results in a shortage of practitioners and thereby help is not on real time and long queues ensue. WELL-TECH is our open source solution bundle to address this issue. As I take on this journey I will document and highlight ( as much as necessary) the steps- tools and techniques employed in this technology. Watch this space..


You ever prayed for something your whole life? I mean all you dreamed about is this one thing. I mean you know it’s coming, you have the faith and all that. But sometimes, sometimes you second guess yourself. That’s human nature I suppose, second guessing. When life seems to take you more downs than ups, seems like it gives you more losses than wins. But do you stand tall and be bold? Or do you fold? Do you believe? See me I came a long way. Way too far for me to stop now.  Not that I would stop anyways but I’m so close I can feel it, can you feel it?

July 4 2015

On this day, one of the greatest documents ever forged was taken into effect. Freeing and birthing a great nation such as the world has ever seen. The nation that bought forth the Einsteins’, Teslas’ and the Kennedys’ among so many others. While people shun this great nation and look at it as it is now. I’ll never forget who it was and who it set out to become. And this just breaks my heart! I cry for the person you once were, the values you held, the innocence you kept. Such values have stood the test of time, built you and have never at once depreciated, why shun them and see them as backward now? I cry for the great ideals you had and the brave sons and daughters who fought for and died for those ideals. Was it all for naught? I cry for the very foundation which made you great which you now have shattered and have decided to continue with the structure. I cry for you. How could you be tainted so much and let this disease eat at you so terribly? Could the mistakes of the...


Everyone wants to be happy in this world. But thee are only a few people who are happy. Some people believe that wealth gives happiness. They spend most of their time and energy in acquiring it. But wealth does not give happiness. It provides man the basic amenities and materialist comforts of life. But money can’t give the emotional and spiritual satisfaction. There are some others who seek power to gain happiness. Different means can be adopted to attain power. One may attain power in the political sphere. One may even try to become a dictator after gaining power. Some try to establish their superiority over others. But even such powers don’t give happiness. With power one can force others to do certain things but there is a world of difference between the action forced and spontaneous action. In the present age, many people are striving for happiness in sex, fashion, drinks and drugs. They wish to escape from the problem-ridden world into a world of dreams. They try to derive p...